Our Mission Partners

We have a number of Mission Partners that we support and work closely with at St. Peter’s. Find out more below and please be praying for their work!

  • International Needs Romania

    International Needs Romania focuses on church planting and supporting Ukrainian refugee families. Please pray for more stories of rehabilitation, love and transformation.

  • Mark & Gill Newham

    Mark & Jill returned to the UK to work with UFM after years of living in Mongolia. Their prayer is that they will be able to support raising local missionaries around the world with their role at UFM!

  • re:generation

    re:generation is a charity that partners with churches to go into primary schools and tell them about Jesus! They’d love prayer for their schools worker to establish good relationships with the local schools!

  • Jude Moulds

    Jude helps young Christians training to be primary school teachers. Her prayer is that these students will grow in relationship with God and as teachers!